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Vakil/Advocate in India :: भारत में वकील/एडवोकेट

Excellent secular court systems existed under the Mauryas (321-185 BCE) and the Mughals (16th – 19th centuries) with the latter giving way to the current common law system.

During the shift from Mughal legal system, the advocates under that regimen, “Vakil”, too followed suit, though they mostly continued their earlier role as client representatives.

During British rules the indian lawyers i.e. "Vakil" (वकील) are under the Legal Practitioners Act of 1846 which opened up the profession regardless of nationality or religion.

In Republic of India, the law relating to the Advocates is the "Advocates Act, 1961" introduced and thought up by Shri Ashok Kumar Sen, the then law minister of India, which is a law passed by the Parliament and is administered and enforced by the Bar Council of India.


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